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Some of these photos are very recent
Look at these Pics and faint

Pic 1

Raccoon.police.Dept STARS officers 1998


Blood Message from RE1 beta

City outskirts

Attacked Zombie 1998 Stars Officer


Claire redfield


STARS 9mm custom

This one's unique Chris Talking to Leon in the Raccoon Police Building

police cars at king st

Close up of officer Mayor

Rebecca Chambers STARS shooting a lizard in Re zero

Spencer Estate

Air shot of Raccoon City

Younge Lady Alexia Ashford

Raccoon City being neturalised

Raccoon City Pwerter St Shot

Billy Cohen from Re Zero

Screen shot from Resident evil 3

The body of Forest Spayers

Inside Alfred's palace

Lady Alexia in the Ashford Estate

Commander Alfred Ashford

Improved tyrant